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General questions

Category: General questions
Most hospitals do not allow this, although there are no medical reservations against it. First court decisions from Italy, Germany but also from the canton of Thurgau (Switzerland) unfortunately support the practice of the hospitals and state that a patient cannot determine the blood donor himself – only blood reserves are used, usually supplied by the Red Cross. Recently, a hospital in the canton of Graubรผnden (Switzerland) even refused to allow a patient to donate her own blood before a planned operation – a practice that was absolutely common until Corona. What one would actually consider a human right, namely, for example, to designate a relative as a blood donor, is thus denied to us. The legal situation is diffuse and we must be prepared for a long struggle to achieve a breakthrough for this human right. Since we are going up against the entire medical and political establishment, we can expect a lot of headwinds. The only thing we can promise at the moment is that we will keep at it – we will not give up. First welcome news: In the state of Texas, patients are already free to choose the type of blood (including the blood donor) – so they are one step ahead of us. But we will get there – with your help.

To ensure that your healthcare professional only performs the medical procedures you agree to, even in an emergency and when you are unresponsive, we have placed the emergency information on your member ID card: both as a link and as a QR code.

Medical professionals can scan the QR code on your member ID card directly, e.g. with a tablet, where they have immediate access to all your relevant medical data as well as your complete patient directive. Alternatively, they can also copy/enter the link into a browser and retrieve it there. The result is the same in both cases, and in both cases a random code is generated as an intermediate step, which makes it impossible for a hacker to view other SafeBlood members living wills. In our case, the purpose of all this is, among other things, to prevent mRNA products from entering your body without your explicit consent. And also, to ensure that your medical preferences are evident, visible and respected in all medical matters.

In the living will, you set out all medical and legal details, but you also designate there, for example, a trusted person to represent your interests if you are unresponsive.

An additional plus of our emergency information solution is that the living will called up by the QR-code can be translated by emergency medical personnel into most common world languages in a matter of seconds. This ensures that even when traveling to remote areas, you will be able to provide the attending staff with the ability to understand your medical wishes.

We recommend that you carry the member ID card with the emergency code in a printed version with you, but also copy it into the emergency information on your smartphone. Instructions on how to do this can be found at the very bottom of the Member ID page in your Member Access. On the lock screen of your smartphone, one has access to your data even if it is protected by a code.

Non-members can find a sample version of an emergency information here.

Update May 2024:

Ever sinceย SafeBloodย andย Safereproductionย were launched, we have been looking for an analysis that would allow us to determine whether blood for transfusion or a sperm donation comes from a vaccinated or unvaccinated donor. Until now, the selection of our donors has been based solely on the trust that our members will correctly declare their vaccination status. But now we finally haveย a blood analysisย that allows us to determine the following:

  1. Residues of any Covid19 vaccines
  2. The presence of spike proteins
  3. Whether the functionality of your RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged

For me, the latter is the biggest sensation, because it shows whether there is a need for therapy and whether the mRNA injection has actually resulted in a significant impairment of your genetic material. We know that different batch numbers, e.g. in the Pfizer vaccinations, triggered very different side effects; from โ€œplaceboโ€ with zero effect, to immediate death in the most dangerous batches.

Everything about the Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis can be found here.

Status before May 2024 and general information:

At the moment, microscopic examination of the blood by an experienced professional is the only method of determining blood showing effects of mRNA vaccination from normal blood. As we partner with laboratories and clinics we are seeking to make examination of donor blood available. Until then members may be able to arrange examination with local professionals in their area who offer Dark Field Microscopy (DFM) examination.ย 

Trust between the donor and recipient is necessary. Members requiring directed donation may be most comfortable first seeking donors from among family, friends, and other trust networks, for whom Safe Blood will facilitate the donation through medical providers.

We have high confidence in the integrity of our member donors. That said, in theory a โ€œtrollโ€ or terrorist might seek to falsely pass him or herself off as unvaccinated. We believe that is a low-probability risk, especially compared the high probability of receiving mRNA-vaccinated blood through existing blood banks.ย 

In regard to the goal of creating an mRNA-vaccine-free blood bank, modern scientific methods have yet to develop a rapid test capable of differentiating between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood with one hundred percent accuracy necessary for that project. Until the science advances to achieve this technology such a blood bank is illusory. Fortunately, we have many scientists on our side (people like Prof. Bhakdi, Hockertz and many more) and they are working hard to get this done.

As an observational tool, DFM is one of several microscopy methods capable of detecting the effects of the spike protein in the blood subsequent to mRNA vaccination. Dark field microscopy is the tool of choice, with which the differences in the blood can be clearly visualized. This use is different that that of DFM as a tool for diagnosing specific diseases, which is not yet universally recognized by mainstream western medicine.

In other words, to operate a blood bank, will require widespread agreement regarding microscopy methods and standards that are currently in development. We will be able to provide this, but we still need time.

The living will can only be accessed directly from your member account, means only when you are logged in, except via QR code (and sbl.onl link) on your member card or via the emergency information on your smartphone. This is for an emergency and allows medical staff to access your living will without being logged in.

However, medical personnel do not access your living will directly via this link; instead, when the aforementioned link is called up, it first generates a different code that is only valid once and is time-limited, and only with this code do emergency personnel access your living will. This way it is ensured that as a “not logged in” person you cannot simply “browse” through all the living wills, which you could do if the link on your member card could be seen directly 1:1 in the browser window. But this is not possible thanks to this sophisticated system – access to all other living wills is denied.

But of course this link expires when it has been used, since it is valid only once, or for a limited time. Only when you scan it again will you generate a new valid access. If you use this old again, you will correctly receive an error message. If, unexpectedly, you also receive such an error message when you legitimately want to access your living will, you must delete your browser cache.

The purpose of this emergency code is to allow medical personnel to access your relevant medical data even if you are unconscious. Of course, this means that ANYONE who scans this code will be able to get directly to your living will, which is why you usually keep it confidential. But, of course, you want access to be granted whenever it is necessary.

The important thing to remember is that this code is not valid indefinitely, and starting from it, no one can access living wills of other members, which is guaranteed as described above.

I have to remind you firstly that for now we are only doing successful placements in the USA, because in Europe, for example, the vast majority of hospitals still refuse to let you choose your own blood donor. We are much closer than we used to be, but we still can’t give any dates.

To explain how the procurement process looks in detail, however, a look at the USA is quite suitable, since this will happen everywhere in a similar way. We have already mediated in various countries, but these hospitals do not want to be named for fear of reprisals. And that is why they do not appear on our lists.

You are looking for a blood donor, let’s say, for a scheduled surgery in 4 weeks. You are a member of our organization and go to the Search for Blood Donors page. There you enter your blood type, and also the country and region where you will need a donor. For example, you will get the following result:

You will find 35 potential donors in your region. You press the black “blood donor request by email” button and fill out the following contact form. There you specify your information, e.g. how urgent your request is, whether your hospital has already agreed to accept your blood donor, and submit various other details.

We will receive your message, which will be processed by us immediately, which looks like this in the back end (example photo – no real data):

Our system plots the potential matches on the map, and selects the 3-5 closest ones to notify. Depending on what you have specified in the contact form, we will contact them, or you or your hospital will contact them yourself. Generally, the hospital will contact the donors, whose blood will of course be retested before donation, as with any blood donation.

Our system is extremely accurate, so for privacy reasons, of course, we can’t show this card in the front end. You can also see here that it is extremely important that you provide your street and house number when entering the data, because otherwise the system simply cannot find you.

Please remember that especially in emergencies it is very important that you have correctly filled out and secured the living will, because only then the QR code on your membership card will lead the medical professionals directly to your living will, where the most important point is still the reference to autotransfusion, thanks to which a large part of transfusions with foreign blood can be prevented, and this is still the biggest concern of SafeBlood: The best transfusion is always a prevented transfusion. For the few remaining cases that actually require foreign blood in an emergency, we are still aiming for cooperation with private blood banks, which can step into the breach here because the mediation is clearly too slow. Initial results can be expected soon, but again not in Western and Central Europe.

If you have not yet found a clinic that accepts your free choice of blood donor, you can of course search for a suitable clinic in your region as a member: https://safeblood.net/en/medicial-partner-search/.
But don’t expect too much: In the USA we will soon add our first medical partners to this list, in Europe, Canada or Australia you will find so far practically only clinics that have not answered, or if at all, then only in a negative way. There are also other countries where we are already in talks with clinics, e.g. in Mexico, North Africa or Eastern Europe, but there everything is a bit more laid back.

Update May 2024:

Ever sinceย SafeBloodย andย Safereproductionย were launched, we have been looking for an analysis that would allow us to determine whether blood for transfusion or a sperm donation comes from a vaccinated or unvaccinated donor. Until now, the selection of our donors has been based solely on the trust that our members will correctly declare their vaccination status. But now we finally haveย a blood analysisย that allows us to determine the following:

  1. Residues of any Covid19 vaccines
  2. The presence of spike proteins
  3. Whether the functionality of your RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged

For me, the latter is the biggest sensation, because it shows whether there is a need for therapy and whether the mRNA injection has actually resulted in a significant impairment of your genetic material. We know that different batch numbers, e.g. in the Pfizer vaccinations, triggered very different side effects; from โ€œplaceboโ€ with zero effect, to immediate death in the most dangerous batches.

Everything about the Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis can be found here.

Status before May 2024 and general information:

Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hockertz answered this question for me:

The only thing that comes to my mind is the detection of the gene product. Vaccinated individuals should carry a significant amount of the spike protein permanently. This may be detected in this ELISA test specific for the spike protein IgG. https://www.coronavirus-diagnostik.de/antikoerpertestsysteme-fuer-covid-19.html . Of course, this also includes the acutely ill persons – but they should not donate blood in this condition either.
The direct detection of the spike protein would be, funnily enough, the hypersensitive PCR. A “vaccinated” person should, in contrast to a diseased person, express the spike protein much longer, and without any symptoms. The actual asymptomatic ill person a la Drosten ๐Ÿ˜Š . This would also be a distinguishing feature based on this PCR, which is highly praised for other purposes. Quite exciting: Excluded from blood donation would definitely be spike protein PCR positive symptomless people who express the spike not due to infection but due to gene therapy – and this continuously over a period exceeding the normal pathogenesis (ca 5 days). You might also throw a few “long-covid” people into the wrong potty, but it is better to be over-precise than to have a “vaccinated” person as a donor.

Category: General questions

As soon as we have our own infrastructure we will have to comply with the legal requirements, i.e., the same conditions will apply as for the current blood donation facilities. In most countries people over 65 can donate blood if they have donated blood before. See this (and other) websites for requirements (In german language): https://www.ichspendeblut.ch/blutspenden/darf-ich-blutspenden.html

The age limit for blood donors is relatively arbitrary and dates from a time when life expectancy was much lower. Of course, we will have to comply with the legal requirements. Often, however, as in the case of the age limit, these are not legal requirements at all, but simply internal instructions that are mistaken for laws. This is then the basis for, e.g., a much too low age limit. Age is not a disease, but a condition that depends on many factors besides the calendar. Have a look at the following link in this context (only in german, use an online-translator):

So, to make it short: I am not going into specific medical conditions at this point, such as diseases passed through and current diseases etc., these can be found sufficiently explained on the Internet (google your condition), and we also ask you when you become a member specifically about the most common contraindications to donating blood – age is clearly not one of them for us. Talk to your doctor if you are not sure. Also specific questions, like whether there will be plasma, immune globulin etc. with us, I will not answer specifically here – you can assume that we will have an offer for every medical case, as soon as they let us.

And yes, absolutely, become a member anyway – ANYONE can become a member with us, and there are unfortunately a surprisingly large number of people who actually can’t donate blood for medical reasons (almost a third of our members) – but they all may come into a situation where they need blood. Should we exclude them from membership? I beg you. We need you not only as a blood donor – we also need your unbowed personality, your great character as one of us – because only thanks to you we can become strong enough to spare our children and children’s children from having to deal with such succinct issues as the free choice of blood donor.

And – just between you and me – I personally am not even sure if I would ever use someone else’s blood if I needed blood. But I’m in this because I would definitely give my blood to anyone who asked me. Even though I’m pretty close to 70 and have never given blood in my life.

Category: General questions

Of course – as soon as we are ready. Many people cannot donate blood for medical reasons, but are welcome to join us as members and have the same rights as people who have the privilege to be able to donate blood.

Category: General questions

No problem. Of course, it is an advantage for us if we can already record your blood group so that we have a reliable overview of potential donors and recipients per blood group. However, a considerable number of our members actually do not know their blood group. In this case simply leave the corresponding field blank when registering. If you need blood in case of an emergency (or even in case of an upcoming scheduled surgery) the blood group will be determined as a priority anyway. The same applies when donating blood; there, too, the blood group is determined, and afterwards you will receive a blood group card with all the details. Of course, we recommend that you have your blood group determined occasionally (most medical laboratories do this), then you and we already know. You can of course update your details in our member database at any time.

Category: General questions

Yes or no, depending on the illness. Also applies to illnesses that have been passed through. When you join us, you will be guided through a questionnaire similar to the one used when donating blood. There you can see at a glance what contraindications are. You can also find clues, for example, on this website (In german language): https://www.ichspendeblut.ch/blutspenden/darf-ich-blutspenden.html.

Category: General questions

You can, as soon as we will be able to give blood at all. However, the question arises whether this makes sense if you already have the spike proteins and inorganic additives of the vaccinations in your body, which you can hardly get rid of according to the current state of knowledge. Nevertheless, the same applies to you, of course: The less I let blood from vaccinated into my body, the better. There is no error that cannot be corrected somehow. However, it still looks bad at the moment with the discharge of corona vaccines. Of course, there is extremely intensive research going on here.

Category: General questions

Of course you can – we are happy if we have a strong position in these countries as well, because this is the only way to achieve what we want, namely free blood choice anytime and anywhere.

On the page https://safeblood.net/en/contact/ you will find a list of contacts in all countries where we already have members and a branch.

If you can and want to help to build up the necessary infrastructure, please in the country of your choice on the list above.

Category: General questions

At the moment we cannot give you any exact information. None of the hospitals we have contacted has confirmed this. Nobody wants to go out on a limb here. We recommend that you make a living will in which you refuse blood donations. No hospital will publicly agree to this, but it is conceivable that one or the other will tacitly accept. It is best to ask several hospitals before a planned procedure. If you do this, it is best not to mention at all that it has to do with vaccination – you simply state “personal reasons”, you do not need to explain them further. If you out yourself as a vaccination opponent you are immediately in a worse position. There are currently several initiatives and projects for a private hospital by corona measures critics and advocates of holistic medicine. It is only a question of time until such a hospital comes into being, and then we will have “our own”, so to speak, and the problems will be solved. Other hospitals will then (have to) follow suit.

The living will is a binding document for your attending medical professional, in which you can clearly specify which medical treatments may/should be carried out on you in an emergency. You also specify a trusted person whom you authorize to make certain or all decisions for you in the event that you are unresponsive. To be valid, the living will must contain your personal details, be dated and signed. We recommend that you update the date regularly so that it is clear that the patient directive is up to date. However, it does not have to be notarized; your signature is sufficient. In our case, the digital signature is considered to be the fact that you can only write the living will in your password-protected member area, so it is guaranteed that it is written by you only. However, we recommend that you carry a printed and traditionally signed version of your living will with you (along with your Safeblood membership card) to avoid discussions. If the digital version is not accepted, you or your trusted person can state that a paper version with signature will be provided upon request.

You can create, edit and view the living will exclusively in your member area. However, emergency medical personnel can access it at any time via the QR code on your member ID card. This is also the actual main purpose of the living will. More information on emergency information can be found on this page.

The living will essentially has two parts:

The first part: the “Personal data disposing person” and “Medical data disposing person” come directly from the database and cannot be changed here, but only in your member area under “My data” and press “edit” there.

The second part: In the text field, the actual text of your living will is given as a sample.ย You can change whatever you want, you are completely free here. In any case, you must complete the points where there is a “…..”. Behind the “…..” is explained in each case what you have to insert there instead of the points (e.g. “first name + surname”). Then delete this oblique printed explanation text.
If you don’t have or don’t want a “trusted person”, delete everything related to it.
If your trusted person does not have the same blood group as you, you must change this here in the text or delete the entire passage.
The last “….” is for the signature in the printed version, which you sign by hand on paper after you have printed the living will. For the electronic version, it is recommended that you leave it as is.
Very important: When you have customized your living will,ย save itย by pressingย the red โ€œSave changesโ€ button โ€“ if you do not do this, everything will revert to the original sample text.

Non-members can find a sample version of a living will here.

You can view, edit, print, download your living will as a PDF file or forward it directly to your doctor via e-mail, for example.

Your combined member card/blood group card is located in your personal access (Members – Profile). There you can view it, print it or save/download it as an image (to your PC or smartphone) via the black “view” button. It contains your personal details and the most important medical data (incl. blood group information) that you provided when you registered. You cannot change the data on this member card directly there, it is automatically inserted by the system.

To change or add to the data on the front, log into your member area (Members – Profile) and click on the black “edit” button below “My Data”. There you can change all your data at any time. Do not forget to finish with “Save entry”.

You cannot change the text on the back of the member card, this is a short version of the living will sample version, which is valid for all members. You can access the full and individual version by clicking on the black button “edit patient decree” below the member card. This will take you to the edit screen for the living will, which you can adjust/change/add to according to your needs. See “Living Will” for instructions.

After you have edited the living will for the first time, you will see an additional black button “view living will“, from where you can view, print and forward it.

At the very bottom of the member ID page, you’ll find another link that takes you directly to your emergency information – it has the same function as the QR code on the member ID, and you can copy and paste it as you wish, for example, into the emergency information in your smartphone. More about this under “Emergency information“.

Non-members can find a sample version of a member ID card on this page.

PS: We have decided to offer the membership card as a download and digital version, to let you decide in which form you would like to use it. Some members will prefer a paper version (we recommend laminating it), others will prefer a plastic credit card-like version, and still others will prefer only the digital version on their smartphone at all.

You can print the membership card at home or in a copy store, where special printers for plastic cards are available, or via online service. Since our membership card has no expiration date (we don’t want you to be treated incorrectly in case of an emergency due to an expired membership card…) you only reprint it if it doesn’t look good anymore, you have lost it, or your data has changed.

Category: General questions

You can switch languages directly from any menu position at any time. Computers only carry out instructions if you operate them correctly, and normally our language switches work.

However, there is one possibility of confusion, and that is the “Google Translator”. If you accidentally turn it on, it tricks you into thinking you’re on a language version that you’re effectively not on, and then things get confusing indeed. Only turn on the Google Translator if our website is not yet available in your language – otherwise leave it turned off.

New studies show that unvaccinated people have similar horrible blood pictures as vaccinated ones. They assume this is transmitted by โ€žsheddingโ€œ – means without any direct contact. At safeblood we donโ€™t work with โ€žassumptionsโ€œ but with facts only. There are so many rumours and assumptions regarding shedding or โ€žcuresโ€œ to clean the contaminated blood, but unfortunately we donโ€™t have any case studies yet, for both. So yes, we follow this subject very closely and will react accordingly. But as long as there is no proof, we continue to protect your blood as good as we can, and continue our effort. For now, we simply donโ€™t know whether these blood pics are caused by shedding or other conditions. Honestly, if I were one of these psychotic and self-appointed billionaire โ€žworld leadersโ€œ and would want to poison the world, I would not take the complicated way over vaccination or similar (unless I wanted to make a few billion dollars first), I would just put the poison in the water supply, or the food – very efficient. And there are many other ways. So, letโ€™s wait for evidence, and if it turns out to be true, just shift the focus. Right now we focus on prevention: spread the knowledge about the danger of these mRNA โ€žvaccinationsโ€œ and try to inform as many people as possible to avoid them in the first place (also through the โ€žback doorโ€œ). But at the same time, and even more in the future, we work very hard on identifying cures which are indeed efficient – I donโ€™t know of any properly documented one so far, but we will get there. There may some effective ones be out already – you find a list here.

Whether it is shedding or about helping the already vaccinated majority of the worldโ€™s population, we must work very hard on finding cures and ways to clean the blood. If shedding takes place, then it is obviously via an energetic way, and then the cure may as well also be an energetic one – not everybody will be open to this. But I am a pragmatic – if it works I donโ€™t care how it is called.

We will continue our effort to help you to get the best possible and least contaminated blood if you need it (which is, for the time being, still blood from people without the “shot”), at the same time focus on prevention (mainly avoiding transfusions as explained in our members living will), and finally follow closely and support any activities regarding possible cures and cleansing of the blood of the vaccinated, as per link above.

We are currently writing to all hospitals in all countries where we have members, to convince them to be part of a healthcare system that allows patients to choose their own blood donor.

The results will be put into a database (from mid September on) which will help you to find a hospital on our website that will allow you to choose your blood donor yourself. This is a HUGE effort, but never mind, the goal is, as always, the free choice of the blood donor anywhere and anytime.

The second step will be the establishment of a blood bank with blood reserves.

No blood is better compatible than your own and is therefore always the best option in cases where your own blood can be used in surgery. In addition to autologous blood donation, where you donate your own blood before a planned surgery, there are other options.

Autotransfusion is a medical process in which a person’s own blood is collected, processed, and then re-infused back into their body during a surgery. This is an option for donor blood transfusions and is used for surgical procedures that result in significant blood loss – if you ask for it. Autotransfusion eliminates the risk of mRNA contamination, disease transmission,ย  and allergic reactions associated with donated blood and ensures that a patient receives perfectly matched blood, as their own blood contains the necessary antigens and antibodies required for a successful transfusion. Autotransfusion is referred to as IOS/ICS (cell salvage or cell saver, or MAT (machine autotransfusion) or ADR (autologous direct retransfusion).

The procedure can be performed using two types of devices: cell savers and blood salvage systems. Cell savers are attached to the patient’s body during surgery and collect the patient’s blood as it is lost, whereas blood salvage systems are stand-alone devices that collect the blood outside of the body. Both devices work by filtering and washing the collected blood, removing any debris and contaminants, and then re-infusing the blood back into the patient’s body.

Autotransfusion is a useful alternative to donated blood transfusions in many surgical procedures. By reducing the risk of disease transmission and mRNA contamination and ensuring that the patient receives perfectly matched blood, autotransfusion can improve the outcome of surgical procedures and lower the overall cost of healthcare. If your physician or surgeon tells you that you may need a transfusion during a surgical procedure, you should first ask to donate your own blood or use the cell saver. Unfortunately, autotransfusion is not performed as a standard procedure in most hospitals, primarily because the safe and effective performance of ICS requires an operating room environment with trained and dedicated surgical, anesthesia, and nursing staff; it is more labor intensive than the donor transfusion alternative. Increased care is required to ensure safe and efficient blood collection. Financial investments in training, machines, and disposables are required. In other words, the clinic simply makes more money when it uses blood units. Therefore, to ensure that you receive an autotransfusion and minimize the risk of a foreign blood transfusion, you must specifically ask for it. Talk to your surgeon before deciding where you want to have surgery.

A list of clinics that offer autotransfusion according to our research can be found here by selecting the option “We offer surgical techniques such as autotransfusion …” under “Free choice of blood donor”. If you know of clinics that offer autotransfusion and are not on our list, please write to us.

For a more detailed description of intraoperative cell salvage, see this example.

The first image above shows an example of how the system works in most clinics, and a simpler version below.



In large parts of Africa, South America and in several states of the USA, like Texas, you can already do that today, in the rest of the world it will take a little longer. In terms of timing, we can’t make any promises at all – the more members we have, the faster it will happen – in the best case, sometime this year, but it may also be that our fight will take much longer. When the time comes, we will have plenty of partners (hospitals, labs), where you can donate and receive blood. It is unlikely that the Red Cross, as a monopolist in the matter of blood reserves, will ever give in. As soon as we can achieve politically that also here the free market economy makes competition possible, it looks then clearly better. At the moment you have no choice when it comes to donating blood – either you donate at the Red Cross and your unvaccinated blood ends up in the same package as the vaccinated blood, or you leave it alone and wait until we have an alternative.

When it comes to drawing blood, it looks like this: Our main concern is to be able to provide or broker “unvaccinated” blood to anyone who wants it. The pure mediation part is already a reality, on our website you can find a suitable blood donor (https://safeblood.net/en/search/ or with your country’s address instead of “net”). The problem at the moment is the lack of medical partners (clinics) where you can bring your selected blood donor. We don’t have a single one in Europe yet, but we are in the process of contacting all clinics and expect to have the first partners soon. For Africa, the USA and Mexico we will provide a list of partners soon.

The creation of an effective blood bank is at the moment still a dream for the future, because as long as we cannot prove scientifically that “our blood” (once we will have blood banks) comes from unvaccinated people – the operation of such a blood bank is absolutely pointless – it would be closed on the first day. The procedure here is therefore first to create a scientifically recognized test (dark field microscopy is perfectly sufficient for us, but not for the legislator) and only then to build up the infrastructure. In the first step we therefore concentrate on the mediation and the pressure on hospitals in order to achieve that they (again) allow the free choice of the blood donor. Before Corona, this was possible without any problems, and we want to achieve this state again.

There is always a “work around”, if the straight way is not possible, and in this case we will simply declare “our” blood as “blood from safeblood members”, and not declare it “unvaccinated”, which is good enough for us, and this way we will not be in conflict with any law.

So what do I advise you to do at this moment when you need blood immediately? We recommend making a living will in which you write that “for personal reasons you do not want canned blood.” Don’t write a word about vaccination and the like, and don’t give any other information except just “personal reasons.” Write further that you indicate a relative (if you have one) as a potential blood donor who can be contacted immediately (or who is present in person at a scheduled surgery) who has the same blood type. If you do not have a relative, write to us immediately (as a member go to https://safeblood.us/en/search/ and press the black “blood donor request by email” button) when the hospital gives the green light to your plan – then we will find one. At the moment, however, it is actually not advisable to come out as an opponent of vaccination, because then you are immediately “the enemy”, and no one is interested in helping you. Once we are well known as an organization and have a really strong position, you will then be able to say “I am a member of safeblood and my membership card (https://safeblood.us/en/member-card-example/) says what to do in such a case”. Once we have a large presence in most countries, there will be no getting around us – and let me tell you, we are well on our way to achieving that goal. Thanks to people like you.

However, if you like to stand up for your position, you may already say “I am a member of safeblood, and the QR-code on my member card brings you directly to my living will, with clear instructions for the medical professionals” – and you don’t have to explain any further. If you are brought to a hospital and are unconscious, the medics will search for instructions and find your member card in any case.

At the moment, you can only do so at established institutions like the Red Cross. We will have to set up our own infrastructure, since both the Red Cross and the hospitals have not signaled any interest in working with us. I have written to the SRC and all the hospitals in Switzerland (and at the moment we do this in all the countries where we have members) and have not received a single positive response. If you only want to donate blood if the blood of the unvaccinated is labeled as such and later administered as such (which is what many unvaccinated people want), you currently have no choice but to wait until we have our own infrastructure with the necessary permits.

Since our first step is to focus on blood matching, you do not need to donate blood “in stock”. We will contact you directly when we need blood from you for one of our members.

More information about the blood types of our members and blood type compatibility in general can be found here: https://safeblood.net/en/blood-group-diagrams/

Category: General questions

With the advent of the brand-new RNA vaccines (such as the Covid vaccines), we have a whole new set of challenges here, as not only are the so-called spike proteins only neutralized to an unknown extent to date. A large number of undeclared non-organic additives of these vaccinations can only be partially eliminated by the known purification methods according to the current state of science. Dark field microscopy shows the presence of these particles in the blood even after at least 6 months – in some cases they can never be degraded at all. There are a large number of scientists and doctors who not only have great concerns about the Covid vaccines, but are also convinced that they also enter the body via the blood through the back door, so to speak, and remain there. In the FAQ section you will find a large number of links with very important information that you will not find at all in the mass media.

Because I refuse to go along with the whole vaccination fascism that is going on in the world at the moment. For me, vaccinated and unvaccinated people are first and foremost human beings, none more valuable than the other. Sure, we distinguish these two groups for purely medical reasons, because we don’t want vaccinated blood. And one may ask the question, whether it makes sense, if a vaccinated person wants unvaccinated blood.

We must not forget two things here: firstly, many people have only been vaccinated under inhuman pressure and would never do it again, and secondly, I am totally convinced, that the less graphene oxides and spike proteins you give your body, the better it is. No vaccination super, one vaccination better than two and so on. We are all just human and we make mistakes. I do not punish anyone for the mistake of being vaccinated, and if you think that vaccinated people have no place here, on the contrary, you are out of place here.

The legal situation is diffuse in all countries, but I have not seen a law anywhere that would explicitly prohibit a clinic from leaving the choice of blood donor, or the type of donor blood, up to the patient. And we have hired several lawyers to help us find these laws – they have not found one.

There is no medical reason to use only Red Cross blood, or to deny you from bringing a potential blood donor with the appropriate blood type yourself. If your doctor tells you otherwise, he is lying or does not know better. To say that it is not feasible or recommended for a medical reason stamps all clinics and doctors who have always practiced this as unprofessional or idiots. In many parts of the third world, it is common for patients to be asked to bring a relative as a blood donor. It is a typical Western arrogance to think that only we here in the so-called West have a highly developed health care system. Countries like South Africa, for example, even have some of the best hospitals in the world.

Often, especially from German hospitals, arguments like “there may be psychological conflicts if you have the blood of a relative” or similar absurdities are used – all excuses to be able to maintain the status quo.

So there is actually no reason to deny you this basic right. Why do they do it then? We can only speculate here, since no one in charge will admit what it’s all about, namely a lot of money (the big big money), power, and pushing through an agenda that has brought us the last 2 years of “pandemic” with all its nonsensical, destructive and sometimes life-threatening consequences (e.g. vaccination side effects on a scale never seen before).

As an example of this agenda, here is a statement by Ann Bressington, former member of the Western Australian Legislative Council. An example from Australia, but one that can be applied 1:1 to virtually every country in the world. You can of course call this a “conspiracy theory” and ignore it, but there are dozens of such genuine statements (formerly disguised as “secret societies”, today easily found on the Internet) both from politicians and from the self-appointed leaders of this “New World Order” themselves, e.g. Klaus Schwab’s book “Covid 19: The great reset”.

Insist on your human right, sue the clinic, find another one – do whatever it takes to prevent getting mRNA contaminated blood transfused. We’re on the front lines fighting for it. Starting in September, you will find a database of our Medical Partners in your member area – so you will be able to find a clinic online that will grant you your basic rights – but you will also see there which clinics will deny you that.

How, where, when, what?

Update May 2024:

Ever sinceย SafeBloodย andย Safereproductionย were launched, we have been looking for an analysis that would allow us to determine whether blood for transfusion or a sperm donation comes from a vaccinated or unvaccinated donor. Until now, the selection of our donors has been based solely on the trust that our members will correctly declare their vaccination status. But now we finally haveย a blood analysisย that allows us to determine the following:

  1. Residues of any Covid19 vaccines
  2. The presence of spike proteins
  3. Whether the functionality of your RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged

For me, the latter is the biggest sensation, because it shows whether there is a need for therapy and whether the mRNA injection has actually resulted in a significant impairment of your genetic material. We know that different batch numbers, e.g. in the Pfizer vaccinations, triggered very different side effects; from โ€œplaceboโ€ with zero effect, to immediate death in the most dangerous batches.

Everything about the Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis can be found here.

Status before May 2024 and general information:

At the moment, microscopic examination of the blood by an experienced professional is the only method of determining blood showing effects of mRNA vaccination from normal blood. As we partner with laboratories and clinics we are seeking to make examination of donor blood available. Until then members may be able to arrange examination with local professionals in their area who offer Dark Field Microscopy (DFM) examination.ย 

Trust between the donor and recipient is necessary. Members requiring directed donation may be most comfortable first seeking donors from among family, friends, and other trust networks, for whom Safe Blood will facilitate the donation through medical providers.

We have high confidence in the integrity of our member donors. That said, in theory a โ€œtrollโ€ or terrorist might seek to falsely pass him or herself off as unvaccinated. We believe that is a low-probability risk, especially compared the high probability of receiving mRNA-vaccinated blood through existing blood banks.ย 

In regard to the goal of creating an mRNA-vaccine-free blood bank, modern scientific methods have yet to develop a rapid test capable of differentiating between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood with one hundred percent accuracy necessary for that project. Until the science advances to achieve this technology such a blood bank is illusory. Fortunately, we have many scientists on our side (people like Prof. Bhakdi, Hockertz and many more) and they are working hard to get this done.

As an observational tool, DFM is one of several microscopy methods capable of detecting the effects of the spike protein in the blood subsequent to mRNA vaccination. Dark field microscopy is the tool of choice, with which the differences in the blood can be clearly visualized. This use is different that that of DFM as a tool for diagnosing specific diseases, which is not yet universally recognized by mainstream western medicine.

In other words, to operate a blood bank, will require widespread agreement regarding microscopy methods and standards that are currently in development. We will be able to provide this, but we still need time.

The living will can only be accessed directly from your member account, means only when you are logged in, except via QR code (and sbl.onl link) on your member card or via the emergency information on your smartphone. This is for an emergency and allows medical staff to access your living will without being logged in.

However, medical personnel do not access your living will directly via this link; instead, when the aforementioned link is called up, it first generates a different code that is only valid once and is time-limited, and only with this code do emergency personnel access your living will. This way it is ensured that as a “not logged in” person you cannot simply “browse” through all the living wills, which you could do if the link on your member card could be seen directly 1:1 in the browser window. But this is not possible thanks to this sophisticated system – access to all other living wills is denied.

But of course this link expires when it has been used, since it is valid only once, or for a limited time. Only when you scan it again will you generate a new valid access. If you use this old again, you will correctly receive an error message. If, unexpectedly, you also receive such an error message when you legitimately want to access your living will, you must delete your browser cache.

The purpose of this emergency code is to allow medical personnel to access your relevant medical data even if you are unconscious. Of course, this means that ANYONE who scans this code will be able to get directly to your living will, which is why you usually keep it confidential. But, of course, you want access to be granted whenever it is necessary.

The important thing to remember is that this code is not valid indefinitely, and starting from it, no one can access living wills of other members, which is guaranteed as described above.

I have to remind you firstly that for now we are only doing successful placements in the USA, because in Europe, for example, the vast majority of hospitals still refuse to let you choose your own blood donor. We are much closer than we used to be, but we still can’t give any dates.

To explain how the procurement process looks in detail, however, a look at the USA is quite suitable, since this will happen everywhere in a similar way. We have already mediated in various countries, but these hospitals do not want to be named for fear of reprisals. And that is why they do not appear on our lists.

You are looking for a blood donor, let’s say, for a scheduled surgery in 4 weeks. You are a member of our organization and go to the Search for Blood Donors page. There you enter your blood type, and also the country and region where you will need a donor. For example, you will get the following result:

You will find 35 potential donors in your region. You press the black “blood donor request by email” button and fill out the following contact form. There you specify your information, e.g. how urgent your request is, whether your hospital has already agreed to accept your blood donor, and submit various other details.

We will receive your message, which will be processed by us immediately, which looks like this in the back end (example photo – no real data):

Our system plots the potential matches on the map, and selects the 3-5 closest ones to notify. Depending on what you have specified in the contact form, we will contact them, or you or your hospital will contact them yourself. Generally, the hospital will contact the donors, whose blood will of course be retested before donation, as with any blood donation.

Our system is extremely accurate, so for privacy reasons, of course, we can’t show this card in the front end. You can also see here that it is extremely important that you provide your street and house number when entering the data, because otherwise the system simply cannot find you.

Please remember that especially in emergencies it is very important that you have correctly filled out and secured the living will, because only then the QR code on your membership card will lead the medical professionals directly to your living will, where the most important point is still the reference to autotransfusion, thanks to which a large part of transfusions with foreign blood can be prevented, and this is still the biggest concern of SafeBlood: The best transfusion is always a prevented transfusion. For the few remaining cases that actually require foreign blood in an emergency, we are still aiming for cooperation with private blood banks, which can step into the breach here because the mediation is clearly too slow. Initial results can be expected soon, but again not in Western and Central Europe.

If you have not yet found a clinic that accepts your free choice of blood donor, you can of course search for a suitable clinic in your region as a member: https://safeblood.net/en/medicial-partner-search/.
But don’t expect too much: In the USA we will soon add our first medical partners to this list, in Europe, Canada or Australia you will find so far practically only clinics that have not answered, or if at all, then only in a negative way. There are also other countries where we are already in talks with clinics, e.g. in Mexico, North Africa or Eastern Europe, but there everything is a bit more laid back.

Update May 2024:

Ever sinceย SafeBloodย andย Safereproductionย were launched, we have been looking for an analysis that would allow us to determine whether blood for transfusion or a sperm donation comes from a vaccinated or unvaccinated donor. Until now, the selection of our donors has been based solely on the trust that our members will correctly declare their vaccination status. But now we finally haveย a blood analysisย that allows us to determine the following:

  1. Residues of any Covid19 vaccines
  2. The presence of spike proteins
  3. Whether the functionality of your RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged

For me, the latter is the biggest sensation, because it shows whether there is a need for therapy and whether the mRNA injection has actually resulted in a significant impairment of your genetic material. We know that different batch numbers, e.g. in the Pfizer vaccinations, triggered very different side effects; from โ€œplaceboโ€ with zero effect, to immediate death in the most dangerous batches.

Everything about the Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis can be found here.

Status before May 2024 and general information:

Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hockertz answered this question for me:

The only thing that comes to my mind is the detection of the gene product. Vaccinated individuals should carry a significant amount of the spike protein permanently. This may be detected in this ELISA test specific for the spike protein IgG. https://www.coronavirus-diagnostik.de/antikoerpertestsysteme-fuer-covid-19.html . Of course, this also includes the acutely ill persons – but they should not donate blood in this condition either.
The direct detection of the spike protein would be, funnily enough, the hypersensitive PCR. A “vaccinated” person should, in contrast to a diseased person, express the spike protein much longer, and without any symptoms. The actual asymptomatic ill person a la Drosten ๐Ÿ˜Š . This would also be a distinguishing feature based on this PCR, which is highly praised for other purposes. Quite exciting: Excluded from blood donation would definitely be spike protein PCR positive symptomless people who express the spike not due to infection but due to gene therapy – and this continuously over a period exceeding the normal pathogenesis (ca 5 days). You might also throw a few “long-covid” people into the wrong potty, but it is better to be over-precise than to have a “vaccinated” person as a donor.

New studies show that unvaccinated people have similar horrible blood pictures as vaccinated ones. They assume this is transmitted by โ€žsheddingโ€œ – means without any direct contact. At safeblood we donโ€™t work with โ€žassumptionsโ€œ but with facts only. There are so many rumours and assumptions regarding shedding or โ€žcuresโ€œ to clean the contaminated blood, but unfortunately we donโ€™t have any case studies yet, for both. So yes, we follow this subject very closely and will react accordingly. But as long as there is no proof, we continue to protect your blood as good as we can, and continue our effort. For now, we simply donโ€™t know whether these blood pics are caused by shedding or other conditions. Honestly, if I were one of these psychotic and self-appointed billionaire โ€žworld leadersโ€œ and would want to poison the world, I would not take the complicated way over vaccination or similar (unless I wanted to make a few billion dollars first), I would just put the poison in the water supply, or the food – very efficient. And there are many other ways. So, letโ€™s wait for evidence, and if it turns out to be true, just shift the focus. Right now we focus on prevention: spread the knowledge about the danger of these mRNA โ€žvaccinationsโ€œ and try to inform as many people as possible to avoid them in the first place (also through the โ€žback doorโ€œ). But at the same time, and even more in the future, we work very hard on identifying cures which are indeed efficient – I donโ€™t know of any properly documented one so far, but we will get there. There may some effective ones be out already – you find a list here.

Whether it is shedding or about helping the already vaccinated majority of the worldโ€™s population, we must work very hard on finding cures and ways to clean the blood. If shedding takes place, then it is obviously via an energetic way, and then the cure may as well also be an energetic one – not everybody will be open to this. But I am a pragmatic – if it works I donโ€™t care how it is called.

We will continue our effort to help you to get the best possible and least contaminated blood if you need it (which is, for the time being, still blood from people without the “shot”), at the same time focus on prevention (mainly avoiding transfusions as explained in our members living will), and finally follow closely and support any activities regarding possible cures and cleansing of the blood of the vaccinated, as per link above.

We are currently writing to all hospitals in all countries where we have members, to convince them to be part of a healthcare system that allows patients to choose their own blood donor.

The results will be put into a database (from mid September on) which will help you to find a hospital on our website that will allow you to choose your blood donor yourself. This is a HUGE effort, but never mind, the goal is, as always, the free choice of the blood donor anywhere and anytime.

The second step will be the establishment of a blood bank with blood reserves.

No blood is better compatible than your own and is therefore always the best option in cases where your own blood can be used in surgery. In addition to autologous blood donation, where you donate your own blood before a planned surgery, there are other options.

Autotransfusion is a medical process in which a person’s own blood is collected, processed, and then re-infused back into their body during a surgery. This is an option for donor blood transfusions and is used for surgical procedures that result in significant blood loss – if you ask for it. Autotransfusion eliminates the risk of mRNA contamination, disease transmission,ย  and allergic reactions associated with donated blood and ensures that a patient receives perfectly matched blood, as their own blood contains the necessary antigens and antibodies required for a successful transfusion. Autotransfusion is referred to as IOS/ICS (cell salvage or cell saver, or MAT (machine autotransfusion) or ADR (autologous direct retransfusion).

The procedure can be performed using two types of devices: cell savers and blood salvage systems. Cell savers are attached to the patient’s body during surgery and collect the patient’s blood as it is lost, whereas blood salvage systems are stand-alone devices that collect the blood outside of the body. Both devices work by filtering and washing the collected blood, removing any debris and contaminants, and then re-infusing the blood back into the patient’s body.

Autotransfusion is a useful alternative to donated blood transfusions in many surgical procedures. By reducing the risk of disease transmission and mRNA contamination and ensuring that the patient receives perfectly matched blood, autotransfusion can improve the outcome of surgical procedures and lower the overall cost of healthcare. If your physician or surgeon tells you that you may need a transfusion during a surgical procedure, you should first ask to donate your own blood or use the cell saver. Unfortunately, autotransfusion is not performed as a standard procedure in most hospitals, primarily because the safe and effective performance of ICS requires an operating room environment with trained and dedicated surgical, anesthesia, and nursing staff; it is more labor intensive than the donor transfusion alternative. Increased care is required to ensure safe and efficient blood collection. Financial investments in training, machines, and disposables are required. In other words, the clinic simply makes more money when it uses blood units. Therefore, to ensure that you receive an autotransfusion and minimize the risk of a foreign blood transfusion, you must specifically ask for it. Talk to your surgeon before deciding where you want to have surgery.

A list of clinics that offer autotransfusion according to our research can be found here by selecting the option “We offer surgical techniques such as autotransfusion …” under “Free choice of blood donor”. If you know of clinics that offer autotransfusion and are not on our list, please write to us.

For a more detailed description of intraoperative cell salvage, see this example.

The first image above shows an example of how the system works in most clinics, and a simpler version below.



In large parts of Africa, South America and in several states of the USA, like Texas, you can already do that today, in the rest of the world it will take a little longer. In terms of timing, we can’t make any promises at all – the more members we have, the faster it will happen – in the best case, sometime this year, but it may also be that our fight will take much longer. When the time comes, we will have plenty of partners (hospitals, labs), where you can donate and receive blood. It is unlikely that the Red Cross, as a monopolist in the matter of blood reserves, will ever give in. As soon as we can achieve politically that also here the free market economy makes competition possible, it looks then clearly better. At the moment you have no choice when it comes to donating blood – either you donate at the Red Cross and your unvaccinated blood ends up in the same package as the vaccinated blood, or you leave it alone and wait until we have an alternative.

When it comes to drawing blood, it looks like this: Our main concern is to be able to provide or broker “unvaccinated” blood to anyone who wants it. The pure mediation part is already a reality, on our website you can find a suitable blood donor (https://safeblood.net/en/search/ or with your country’s address instead of “net”). The problem at the moment is the lack of medical partners (clinics) where you can bring your selected blood donor. We don’t have a single one in Europe yet, but we are in the process of contacting all clinics and expect to have the first partners soon. For Africa, the USA and Mexico we will provide a list of partners soon.

The creation of an effective blood bank is at the moment still a dream for the future, because as long as we cannot prove scientifically that “our blood” (once we will have blood banks) comes from unvaccinated people – the operation of such a blood bank is absolutely pointless – it would be closed on the first day. The procedure here is therefore first to create a scientifically recognized test (dark field microscopy is perfectly sufficient for us, but not for the legislator) and only then to build up the infrastructure. In the first step we therefore concentrate on the mediation and the pressure on hospitals in order to achieve that they (again) allow the free choice of the blood donor. Before Corona, this was possible without any problems, and we want to achieve this state again.

There is always a “work around”, if the straight way is not possible, and in this case we will simply declare “our” blood as “blood from safeblood members”, and not declare it “unvaccinated”, which is good enough for us, and this way we will not be in conflict with any law.

So what do I advise you to do at this moment when you need blood immediately? We recommend making a living will in which you write that “for personal reasons you do not want canned blood.” Don’t write a word about vaccination and the like, and don’t give any other information except just “personal reasons.” Write further that you indicate a relative (if you have one) as a potential blood donor who can be contacted immediately (or who is present in person at a scheduled surgery) who has the same blood type. If you do not have a relative, write to us immediately (as a member go to https://safeblood.us/en/search/ and press the black “blood donor request by email” button) when the hospital gives the green light to your plan – then we will find one. At the moment, however, it is actually not advisable to come out as an opponent of vaccination, because then you are immediately “the enemy”, and no one is interested in helping you. Once we are well known as an organization and have a really strong position, you will then be able to say “I am a member of safeblood and my membership card (https://safeblood.us/en/member-card-example/) says what to do in such a case”. Once we have a large presence in most countries, there will be no getting around us – and let me tell you, we are well on our way to achieving that goal. Thanks to people like you.

However, if you like to stand up for your position, you may already say “I am a member of safeblood, and the QR-code on my member card brings you directly to my living will, with clear instructions for the medical professionals” – and you don’t have to explain any further. If you are brought to a hospital and are unconscious, the medics will search for instructions and find your member card in any case.

At the moment, you can only do so at established institutions like the Red Cross. We will have to set up our own infrastructure, since both the Red Cross and the hospitals have not signaled any interest in working with us. I have written to the SRC and all the hospitals in Switzerland (and at the moment we do this in all the countries where we have members) and have not received a single positive response. If you only want to donate blood if the blood of the unvaccinated is labeled as such and later administered as such (which is what many unvaccinated people want), you currently have no choice but to wait until we have our own infrastructure with the necessary permits.

Since our first step is to focus on blood matching, you do not need to donate blood “in stock”. We will contact you directly when we need blood from you for one of our members.

More information about the blood types of our members and blood type compatibility in general can be found here: https://safeblood.net/en/blood-group-diagrams/

Because I refuse to go along with the whole vaccination fascism that is going on in the world at the moment. For me, vaccinated and unvaccinated people are first and foremost human beings, none more valuable than the other. Sure, we distinguish these two groups for purely medical reasons, because we don’t want vaccinated blood. And one may ask the question, whether it makes sense, if a vaccinated person wants unvaccinated blood.

We must not forget two things here: firstly, many people have only been vaccinated under inhuman pressure and would never do it again, and secondly, I am totally convinced, that the less graphene oxides and spike proteins you give your body, the better it is. No vaccination super, one vaccination better than two and so on. We are all just human and we make mistakes. I do not punish anyone for the mistake of being vaccinated, and if you think that vaccinated people have no place here, on the contrary, you are out of place here.

The legal situation is diffuse in all countries, but I have not seen a law anywhere that would explicitly prohibit a clinic from leaving the choice of blood donor, or the type of donor blood, up to the patient. And we have hired several lawyers to help us find these laws – they have not found one.

There is no medical reason to use only Red Cross blood, or to deny you from bringing a potential blood donor with the appropriate blood type yourself. If your doctor tells you otherwise, he is lying or does not know better. To say that it is not feasible or recommended for a medical reason stamps all clinics and doctors who have always practiced this as unprofessional or idiots. In many parts of the third world, it is common for patients to be asked to bring a relative as a blood donor. It is a typical Western arrogance to think that only we here in the so-called West have a highly developed health care system. Countries like South Africa, for example, even have some of the best hospitals in the world.

Often, especially from German hospitals, arguments like “there may be psychological conflicts if you have the blood of a relative” or similar absurdities are used – all excuses to be able to maintain the status quo.

So there is actually no reason to deny you this basic right. Why do they do it then? We can only speculate here, since no one in charge will admit what it’s all about, namely a lot of money (the big big money), power, and pushing through an agenda that has brought us the last 2 years of “pandemic” with all its nonsensical, destructive and sometimes life-threatening consequences (e.g. vaccination side effects on a scale never seen before).

As an example of this agenda, here is a statement by Ann Bressington, former member of the Western Australian Legislative Council. An example from Australia, but one that can be applied 1:1 to virtually every country in the world. You can of course call this a “conspiracy theory” and ignore it, but there are dozens of such genuine statements (formerly disguised as “secret societies”, today easily found on the Internet) both from politicians and from the self-appointed leaders of this “New World Order” themselves, e.g. Klaus Schwab’s book “Covid 19: The great reset”.

Insist on your human right, sue the clinic, find another one – do whatever it takes to prevent getting mRNA contaminated blood transfused. We’re on the front lines fighting for it. Starting in September, you will find a database of our Medical Partners in your member area – so you will be able to find a clinic online that will grant you your basic rights – but you will also see there which clinics will deny you that.


To ensure that your healthcare professional only performs the medical procedures you agree to, even in an emergency and when you are unresponsive, we have placed the emergency information on your member ID card: both as a link and as a QR code.

Medical professionals can scan the QR code on your member ID card directly, e.g. with a tablet, where they have immediate access to all your relevant medical data as well as your complete patient directive. Alternatively, they can also copy/enter the link into a browser and retrieve it there. The result is the same in both cases, and in both cases a random code is generated as an intermediate step, which makes it impossible for a hacker to view other SafeBlood members living wills. In our case, the purpose of all this is, among other things, to prevent mRNA products from entering your body without your explicit consent. And also, to ensure that your medical preferences are evident, visible and respected in all medical matters.

In the living will, you set out all medical and legal details, but you also designate there, for example, a trusted person to represent your interests if you are unresponsive.

An additional plus of our emergency information solution is that the living will called up by the QR-code can be translated by emergency medical personnel into most common world languages in a matter of seconds. This ensures that even when traveling to remote areas, you will be able to provide the attending staff with the ability to understand your medical wishes.

We recommend that you carry the member ID card with the emergency code in a printed version with you, but also copy it into the emergency information on your smartphone. Instructions on how to do this can be found at the very bottom of the Member ID page in your Member Access. On the lock screen of your smartphone, one has access to your data even if it is protected by a code.

Non-members can find a sample version of an emergency information here.

The living will is a binding document for your attending medical professional, in which you can clearly specify which medical treatments may/should be carried out on you in an emergency. You also specify a trusted person whom you authorize to make certain or all decisions for you in the event that you are unresponsive. To be valid, the living will must contain your personal details, be dated and signed. We recommend that you update the date regularly so that it is clear that the patient directive is up to date. However, it does not have to be notarized; your signature is sufficient. In our case, the digital signature is considered to be the fact that you can only write the living will in your password-protected member area, so it is guaranteed that it is written by you only. However, we recommend that you carry a printed and traditionally signed version of your living will with you (along with your Safeblood membership card) to avoid discussions. If the digital version is not accepted, you or your trusted person can state that a paper version with signature will be provided upon request.

You can create, edit and view the living will exclusively in your member area. However, emergency medical personnel can access it at any time via the QR code on your member ID card. This is also the actual main purpose of the living will. More information on emergency information can be found on this page.

The living will essentially has two parts:

The first part: the “Personal data disposing person” and “Medical data disposing person” come directly from the database and cannot be changed here, but only in your member area under “My data” and press “edit” there.

The second part: In the text field, the actual text of your living will is given as a sample.ย You can change whatever you want, you are completely free here. In any case, you must complete the points where there is a “…..”. Behind the “…..” is explained in each case what you have to insert there instead of the points (e.g. “first name + surname”). Then delete this oblique printed explanation text.
If you don’t have or don’t want a “trusted person”, delete everything related to it.
If your trusted person does not have the same blood group as you, you must change this here in the text or delete the entire passage.
The last “….” is for the signature in the printed version, which you sign by hand on paper after you have printed the living will. For the electronic version, it is recommended that you leave it as is.
Very important: When you have customized your living will,ย save itย by pressingย the red โ€œSave changesโ€ button โ€“ if you do not do this, everything will revert to the original sample text.

Non-members can find a sample version of a living will here.

You can view, edit, print, download your living will as a PDF file or forward it directly to your doctor via e-mail, for example.

Your combined member card/blood group card is located in your personal access (Members – Profile). There you can view it, print it or save/download it as an image (to your PC or smartphone) via the black “view” button. It contains your personal details and the most important medical data (incl. blood group information) that you provided when you registered. You cannot change the data on this member card directly there, it is automatically inserted by the system.

To change or add to the data on the front, log into your member area (Members – Profile) and click on the black “edit” button below “My Data”. There you can change all your data at any time. Do not forget to finish with “Save entry”.

You cannot change the text on the back of the member card, this is a short version of the living will sample version, which is valid for all members. You can access the full and individual version by clicking on the black button “edit patient decree” below the member card. This will take you to the edit screen for the living will, which you can adjust/change/add to according to your needs. See “Living Will” for instructions.

After you have edited the living will for the first time, you will see an additional black button “view living will“, from where you can view, print and forward it.

At the very bottom of the member ID page, you’ll find another link that takes you directly to your emergency information – it has the same function as the QR code on the member ID, and you can copy and paste it as you wish, for example, into the emergency information in your smartphone. More about this under “Emergency information“.

Non-members can find a sample version of a member ID card on this page.

PS: We have decided to offer the membership card as a download and digital version, to let you decide in which form you would like to use it. Some members will prefer a paper version (we recommend laminating it), others will prefer a plastic credit card-like version, and still others will prefer only the digital version on their smartphone at all.

You can print the membership card at home or in a copy store, where special printers for plastic cards are available, or via online service. Since our membership card has no expiration date (we don’t want you to be treated incorrectly in case of an emergency due to an expired membership card…) you only reprint it if it doesn’t look good anymore, you have lost it, or your data has changed.