Preventive care

On this page you will find a compilation of prevention methods that can be used to improve your health and protect yourself from anything that can harm your health. Some people are never sick, others only get sick when they hear about a virus or something harmful that could cross their path. This has to do with the state of your overall health, especially your immune system.

What are the best methods?

Sounds trivial: Live a healthy life style.

Pay attention to your food and everything else that goes into your body. Organic vegetarian raw food is theoretically best, but not everyone can digest it in the same way. So just pay attention to the origin of everything that goes into your body – the more natural and organic, the better. Observe how the food makes you feel. Drink enough pure water.

Take care of your mental health: Negative thoughts (“sour” thoughts and feelings) are just as bad as fear or any negative emotion. Every thought, every emotion triggers a biochemical reaction hat has a positive or negative effect on the body. Love helps, hate harms not only your mental state, but also your immune system.

Move your body and your mind. Your body is an engine that needs to be moved in order to function smoothly and without pain. Use spiritual hygiene such as Yoga or any similar activity that keeps body, mind and soul in balance.

Support your immune system. The state of your immune system ultimately determines whether or not viruses, bacteria or other pathogens can harm you. If your immune system is working well, none of these pathogens will affect you in any way; a healthy immune system will effectively fight off anything that does not belong in your body. Unfortunately, we live a lifestyle that is not really healthy, and we live in an environment that is anything but healthy for us humans as well. We are destroying the earth at a rapid pace, poisoning the soil and therefore our food, poisoning the water and therefore our drinking water, using chemicals instead of natural products. The chemical industry, once founded to support mankind, has become the greatest threat to our health as a whole. Every chemical product is considered an enemy to our immune system because the liver, which is responsible for detoxyfing harmful substances, was able to do its job until chemicals were invented. There is no manual for the liver to detoxify chemicals as they are not in the “program” and eventually the liver will learn to deal with chemicals (if we survive), but that may take a thousand years, which will be a bit late for our generation. So just stick with nature and all that it offers.
Please note that everything I wrote above also applies to any kind of chemical medicine.

You can influence some of the factors mentioned, but others you cannot really influence, e.g. the emission of all types of radiation, especially wireless signals such as cell phones or WIFI. You simply need to prepare yourself as much as possible. Since you most likely do not live in a remote jungle without signals, you need an energetic/electronic protection, like the BioPhotonic devices. If you live in a city and turn on WIFI on your computer/phone, you will most likely see dozens of available hotspots whether you want to use them or not, and that’s just the visible tip of the iceberg. There’s no escape, so protect yourself.

In short:

1) Protection against wireless signals and emissions

Passive or active energetic/electronic protection with Russian devices from BioPhotonic, a company we trust and whose devices we have tested ourselves.
Make sure you ckeck out this page:, with discount code for Safeblood members and Safeblood newsletter subscribers.
The devices for protection are: Photonic Wave, Photonic Crystal Square and Photonic Crystal Shield.

2) Nutritional supplements

As the quality of our food is not sufficient to give the body what it needs, you may consider taking various supplements on a regular basis, e.g:

Omega 3/6 supplements in premum quality from the Norwegian company Eqology.

3) Find a naturopath who can support you with a tailor-made program

It’s hard to know what your body (and mind) really needs. Ideally, seek out a therapist who can support and guide you while you and your children are still healthy. Find a therapist on our page, or if you know one who isn’t on the list, please tell them to sign up.

4) Don’t get your information from the mainstream media

Since the pandemic, we have unfortunately increasingly noticed that all established media outlets are, to put it very nicely, quite biased. In other words: you are being lied to through your teeth. All these media outlets have been heavily funded by Big Pharma and similar groups during this time, and as a result they have simply become spokespeople for governments and large corporations. The days when we used to watch the News on the main TV-station at 7.30 p.m. and were then reasonably well informed are unfortunately over. The good media are all new and have emerged in the last 4 years, and mainly broadcast on the Internet. On our links page you will find the media that still report independently and critically. Scroll down to “Media”. Telegram and similar channels are also a good alternative.

Do you know of another prevention method that we are not yet aware of? Please send us an email.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your trusted health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission.