We would like to welcome our newest members.

This page lists only those members who have decided to publicly admit that they are members of the SafeBlood Donation. Thank you for giving us permission. We need people like you, because this is the only way we will achieve our goals – to publicly represent our causes.

You will find the newest members from all over the world here, with the exception of the USA, although we have the most members worldwide and the highest growth rate there: Most Americans fear reprisals if they identify themselves here as SafeBlood members. We have therefore deactivated the listing of our new American members here by default.

Michael Holmes, United Kingdom
Bezalel Segev, Switzerland
harry tallarita, Italy
Marco Dirren, Switzerland
Klaus Wolfgang Dreher, Germany
Margo Luberti, Netherlands
Errol Povah, Canada
Ornella Baldassarre, Italy
Flavio Valerio Cotrone, Italy
Danton Lalonde, Canada
Gyula Barnabรกs Baranyi, Hungary
Franรงois de Winter, Netherlands
Najate GUECHOUL, Switzerland
Laura Daems, Netherlands
Ivano Bellini, Italy
Dominique van der Sel, Netherlands
Sarah Pieper, Germany
Valerie Wells, Canada
Maurizio d\'Amato, Italy