Diagnostic methods

On this page you will find a compilation of diagnostic methods that can be used to detect residues of mRNA vaccinations. This is particularly important because correct diagnosis is the basis for successful treatment. Until recently, darkfield microscopy (or live blood analysis) was the only method, but now we have several alternatives.


What are the best methods?


The Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis, which SafeBlood offers exclusively in collaboration with Impact Health, is brand new. It reveals the following:

  • Residues of any Covid19 vaccines
  • The presence of spike proteins
  • Whether the functionality of your RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged

This analysis is a game changer, as you can not only be sure that you will actually receive clean blood in the event of a transfusion, but also have an overview of the success of the treatments for victims of mRNA vaccinations.

Click here for the Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis, with discount code for Safeblood members.

Dark-field microscopy (live blood analysis)
is still an excellent method for detecting the harmful effects of mRNA vaccinations directly and in real time in the blood. No other method allows you to see the changes in the blood so realistically.

The only problem with this analysis method is that it leaves the practitionerย  room for interpretation with regard to the possible causes of the blood changes. In a direct before-and-after comparison, however, this factor is negligible. Unfortunately, these ideal conditions are rarely given.

Also, this is not a “five-minute test”, but a comprehensive analysis that provides an optimal impression of your general state of health. A session usually lasts at least one hour and is offered by experienced alternative practicioners.

That is why there is no link to the method here, but to our Find a medical facility page, where you can search directly for therapists who offer this method.
Unfortunately, there are still very few therapists listed here. So if you know a good therapist, please let them know that they can be added to this list.

Classic laboratory tests

To date, there is no classic laboratory test (according to Western biochemical medicine) that can prove beyond doubt whether the blood of a test person comes from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person.

Although there are various tests that can be used to detect spike proteins, for example, the source of these spike proteins has not yet been proven beyond doubt by studies to be a vaccination or an infection with a virus. Apart from the fact that spike proteins are of course only one of the many problematic factors associated with mRNA vaccinations.

There are numerous individual tests that give certain indications (e.g. the D-dimer), and in combination indicate contamination with mRNA-contaminated blood, but even this very complex method is not really conclusive.

Various classic laboratory tests to check various important health parameters:

Microplastics pose a major threat to our immune system. When we think of microplastics, we first think of plastic in the oceans, but we also accumulate microplastics in our bodies, such as PET residues and many others. You still drink from PET bottles, don’t you?
The company plastictox has introduced a new test to determine the human body’s exposure to microplastics. If you want to know whether your system is affected, go to https://plastictox.com/, and enter the code SAFEBLOOD at check-out to receive a 10% discount.

Do you know of another diagnostic method that we are not yet aware of? Please send us an email.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your trusted health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission.