BioPhotonic BioResonance

Since the introduction of SafeBlood and Safereproduction, we have been looking for efficient treatment methods, that help to remove the harmful residues of the mRNA-vaccines from our organisms. This is a major challenge as the mRNA technique damages the body on multiple levels.

One of the most efficient ways is certainly to address the “command center” of the body, which works with energy; frequencies, electrical impulses control the biochemistry and thus the entire metabolism.

Fortunately, BioPhotonics has launched a new line of quantum bioresonance devices that help with these 3 key points, among many other benefits:

  1. Detoxification of residues of any Covid19 vaccines
  2. Protection against EMF and Geopathic stress (WIFI, G5, smarthones etc.)
  3. DNA repair

The latter is the most amazing feature, because I don’t know of any other method that can repair damaged DNA, which is unfortunately one of the most serious side effects of mRNA vaccines.

These devices are small, portable, affordable, and have numerous benefits for all kinds of health issues; prevention, therapy, protection, and most importantly detoxification. This is the range of products:
Our main interest is, of course, the removal of mRNA vaccine residues. But there are so many benefits to overall health, such as geopathy protection. BioPhotonics has conducted several studies with live blood analysis documenting the benefits of their devices. The following video is an example of protection from G5 or similar radiation for cell phones:

I have worked with all kinds of frequency devices in my naturopathic practice: Bioresonance, frequency generators (both for diagnosis and treatment) according to Dr. Clark or Rife, magnetic field, etc. etc., and have always been amazed at how well it works. Let’s take a look at Dr. Elena Gnetnevas’ explanation of how the principle works:

The frequency devices I used in my clinic were of course large, very expensive (we’re talking hundreds of thousands worth of devices) and required intensive medical knowledge. The BioPhotonic devices are, as I said, small and portable and certainly not cheap, but affordable. You don’t need any medical knowledge either, you just have to follow the instructions, and in any case they can’t do you any harm.

We are pleased that BioPhotonic offers a discount of 10 % on all their devices for SafeBlood newsletter subscribers, and 20% for SafeBlood members. Click the red button below to order or just to learn more about the principles or the products in detail.

To receive the discount for SafeBlood members, add this discount code* to your order. Enter it in the “Coupon code” field during checkout.
*You will only see the code here if you are logged in as a SafeBlood member. If you do not see a code here, please go to the SafeBlood login page before returning to this page.
To receive the discount for SafeBlood newsletter subscribers, add the code SB10 to your order or the code you find in the newsletter in which we announced our collaboration with BioPhotonic. You can find our newsletter archive here.
Please note you can not combine two discount codes.
If you would like to become a member now, you can do so here. Once you have successfully registered, you are immediately a member and can proceed with your order. Refresh this page to see the discount code before you press the red button.

One final comment: In my naturopathic practice, I have always tried every method I use for my patients on myself first, and at SafeBlood we have also tested the devices mentioned ourselves and found significant effects.

We also recommend that you subscribe to BioPhotonics’ YouTube page, where you will find numerous videos with instructions, user feedback and details:

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your trusted health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission.